Bejegyzések a(z) ‘vicces képek’ kategóriából
Bicikli kresz teszt
2012 október 21Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
2012 szeptember 30Egy Gyűrű mind fölött, Egy Gyűrű kegyetlen, Egy a sötétbe zár, bilincs az Egyetlen.
2012 szeptember 25Terhességi tanulmány
2012 szeptember 24A TEK terroristát akart fogni, de Luke-ra futott.
2012 szeptember 12Slut (noun) definition
2012 szeptember 6De vajon hányan “beszélnek róla”?
2012 augusztus 29Once upon a time, a prince asked a beautiful princess: “Will you marry me?”
2012 augusztus 24
Once upon a time, a prince asked a beautiful princess: “Will you marry me?” The princess said NO and the prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and fucked with cute skinny girls and hunted and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank beer, jack daniel’s and captain morgan and drank the milk from the box and never heard bitching and went to rock concerts and kept his apartment and his favorite jeans and never got cheated on while working and all his family and friends thought he was fucking cool as hell and had tons of money and left the toilet seat up.
The end.